Maggie Kloss Photography »

Babies who are born in Austin, Texas, get a big A+++ from me. Austin is one of my favorite places in the the whole wide world and I love a good excuse to head up there. My favorite part of this job is being able to document this crazy time for families, and hold the tiny babies, of course.

Congratulations, Shannon and Carlos!

Baby E was born one week (one week!) before this shoot, and her mama, Nicole, looks A-M-A-Z-I-N-G. Have you ever seen a more beautiful new mom? Nicole is a ray of sunshine and is always full of laughter. She has lots of giggles in her life (I just know the laughing-so-hard-she’s-crying emoji is constantly in her top 5 recents).

I just love this little family. Congrats on your new precious bundle!

Spend 5 minutes with this girl and you will love her.  She’s hilarious, energetic, genuine, and f-u-n. I’m lucky enough to have known Shannon for 9 years(!). We met at UT orientation the summer before we started college. She’s my sorority sister, cul-de-sac roomie, hiking buddy, bike club co-founder, AND she is an awesome reporter for KVUE News in Austin. When she asked if I would take some updated head shots for her, I was all in. Because.. look at this beauty!

Margot is as precious as can be! Her mom and I were convinced that she was going to learn how to roll over at 2 weeks old! Thank you so much for letting me into your beautiful home to photograph your sweet girl. Congratulations on your family of five!